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HER:  Dumfries & Galloway MDG5699 (None)
NMR:  NX 89 NW 7 (65239)
SM:  6285
NGR:  NX 8254 9507
X:  282540  Y:  595070  (OSGB36)
This small fortification occupies a rocky hillock on the S spur of Grennan Hill at the top of a long slope falling away steeply on the SW down to the Scar Water about 100m below. On the NW, where the top of the hillock stands between 3.5m and 4m above the surrounding ground, the defences comprise a massive rock-cut ditch up to 11.5m in breadth by 3.5m in depth, which is accompanied by both inner and outer ramparts about 0.8m in high. On the SW, however, the scale of the defences contracts to little more than a scarp dropping down into the ditch, which itself is little more than a terrace 2m in breadth cut into the slope some 5m below the crest of the hillock. In the SE quadrant, where its line is taken up by a vertical cliff-face 5m high, there is no evidence of any additional defences. The entrance lies on the E, and is formed between the return of the ramparts around the terminal of the ditch on the N side and the rock-face extending round the SE flank; it is approached obliquely by a shallow hollowed trackway. The oval interior, which measures about 46m from NW to SE by 24m transversely (0.09ha), contains at least two possible house platforms about 5m in diameter.
Citizen Science:  ✗
Reliability of Data:  Confirmed
Reliability of Interpretation:  Confirmed
X:  -428435  Y:  7407773  (EPSG: 3857)
Longitude:  -3.8486985778225233  Latitude:  55.235839573867  (EPSG:4326)
Country:  Scotland
Current County or Unitary Authority:  Dumfries & Galloway
Historic County:  Dumfriesshire
Current Parish/Community/Council/Townland:  Penpont
Extant   | ✓ |
Cropmark   | ✗ |
Likely Destroyed   | ✗ |
Woodland   | ✗ |
Commercial Forestry Plantation   | ✗ |
Parkland   | ✗ |
Pasture (Grazing)   | ✓ |
Arable   | ✗ |
Scrub/Bracken   | ✓ |
Bare Outcrop   | ✗ |
Heather/Moorland   | ✗ |
Heath   | ✗ |
Built-up   | ✗ |
Coastal Grassland   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Contour Fort   | ✓ |
Partial Contour Fort   | ✗ |
Promontory Fort   | ✗ |
Hillslope Fort   | ✗ |
Level Terrain Fort   | ✗ |
Marsh Fort   | ✗ |
Multiple Enclosure Fort   | ✗ |
Hilltop   | ✗ |
Coastal Promontory   | ✗ |
Inland Promontory   | ✗ |
Valley Bottom   | ✗ |
Knoll/Hillock/Outcrop   | ✓ |
Ridge   | ✗ |
Cliff/Plateau-edge/Scarp   | ✗ |
Hillslope   | ✗ |
Lowland   | ✗ |
Spur   | ✗ |
Dominant Topographic Feature:  None
North   | ✗ |
Northeast   | ✗ |
East   | ✗ |
Southeast   | ✗ |
South   | ✗ |
Southwest   | ✗ |
West   | ✗ |
Northwest   | ✗ |
Level   | ✓ |
Altitude:  185.0m
In the absence of excavation, there are neither stratified artefacts nor radiocarbon dates to provide a chronology for the defences.
Reliability:  D - None
Pre 1200BC   | ✗ |
1200BC - 800BC   | ✗ |
800BC - 400BC   | ✗ |
400BC - AD50   | ✗ |
AD50 - AD400   | ✗ |
AD400 - AD 800   | ✗ |
Post AD800   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✓ |
Pre Hillfort:   | None |
Post Hillfort:   | None |
First noted by Alexander Curle in 1913 during the preparation of the County Inventory for Dumfriesshire (RCAHMS 1920, 183, no.528), it was visited by the OS in 1977.
Other (1913):   | Description (RCAHMS 1920, 183, no.528) |
1st Identified Map Depiction (1956):   | OS 1-inch map |
Other (1977):   | Surveyed at 1:10.000 by the OS |
Other (1995):   | Scheduled |
While in 1913 Curle noted three slightly hollowed circular stances, the OS subsequently observed only two.
None   | ✓ |
Spring   | ✗ |
Stream   | ✗ |
Pool   | ✗ |
Flush   | ✗ |
Well   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Features   | ✗ |
Round Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Rectangular Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Curvilinear Platforms   | ✓ |
Other Roundhouse Evidence   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Geophysics   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Finds   | ✓ |
Pottery   | ✗ |
Metal   | ✗ |
Metalworking   | ✗ |
Human Bones   | ✗ |
Animal Bones   | ✗ |
Lithics   | ✗ |
Environmental   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
APs Not Checked   | ✗ |
None   | ✓ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
See main summary
1:   | None |
2:   | None |
Guard Chambers:  ✗
Chevaux de Frise:  ✗
1. Passage-way/Corridor (North east):   | Approached obliquely by slightly hollowed trackway |
Combination ramparts, ditches and steep slopes
Area 1:   | 0.09ha. |
Total:   | 0.09ha. |
Total Footprint Area:  Noneha.
✗   | None |
✗   | None |
NE Quadrant:   | 2 |
SE Quadrant:   | 0 |
SW Quadrant:   | 1 |
NW Quadrant:   | 2 |
Total:   | 2 |
Partial Univallate   | ✓ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✓ |
Bivallate   | ✗ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✗ |
Partial Univallate   | ✗ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✗ |
Bivallate   | ✗ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✓ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Rubble   | ✗ |
Wall-walk   | ✗ |
Evidence of Timber   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✗ |
Unfinished   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✗ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Murus Duplex   | ✗ |
Timber-framed   | ✗ |
Timber-laced   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✗ |
Unfinished   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Other   | ✗ |
✗   | None |
✓   | None |
Number of Ditches:  1
✗   | None |
RCAHMS (1920) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions of Scotland. Seventh report with inventory of monuments and constructions in the county of Dumfries, Edinburgh
Atlas of Hillforts:
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and should be cited as:
Lock, Gary and Ralston, Ian. 2024. Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland. Available at:
Document Version 1.1