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HER:  Scottish Borders 54125 (None)
NMR:  NT 41 NE 9 (54125)
SM:  None
NGR:  NT 4572 1527
X:  345720  Y:  615270  (OSGB36)
This fort occupies a rocky hillock on the spur descending to the SE of Mabonlaw. Apparently rectangular on plan, partly reflecting the topography of the underlying hillock, it measures about 54m from NE to SW by 28m transversely within a rampart which can be traced most of the way round the margins of the hillock, only disappearing for a short sector on the SE. Traces of a rock-cut cut ditch cuts across the crest of the hillock immediately outside the rampart at the NE end, but on the SW they are separated by a berm some 3.5m wide, outside which the ditch is some 5m in breadth by 1.8m in depth. This unusual feature is particularly noticeable on the SE side of the entrance that pierces the middle of this end, but there must be some doubt as to whether the ditch, which has the appearance of a small quarry and is not matched on the other side of the entrance, is truly associated with the rampart. Indeed, the presence of an outer ditch on the SW, extending along the SE flank of the hillock as a terrace and returning across its spine beneath later rigs 20m further to the NE raises several questions about the sequence of fortification here and the character of the innermost enclosure, which is possibly a rectilinear settlement inserted into the interior of an earlier fort. The enclosure formed by the outer ditch, which has been heavily ploughed-down, is oval on plan and measures about 105m in length from NE to SW and may have enclosed as much as 0.35ha.
Citizen Science:  ✗
Reliability of Data:  Confirmed
Reliability of Interpretation:  Confirmed
X:  -318291  Y:  7445446  (EPSG: 3857)
Longitude:  -2.8592528130683283  Latitude:  55.42833887792099  (EPSG:4326)
Country:  Scotland
Current County or Unitary Authority:  Scottish Borders
Historic County:  Roxburghshire
Current Parish/Community/Council/Townland:  Roberton
Extant   | ✓ |
Cropmark   | ✗ |
Likely Destroyed   | ✗ |
Woodland   | ✗ |
Commercial Forestry Plantation   | ✗ |
Parkland   | ✗ |
Pasture (Grazing)   | ✓ |
Arable   | ✗ |
Scrub/Bracken   | ✗ |
Bare Outcrop   | ✗ |
Heather/Moorland   | ✗ |
Heath   | ✗ |
Built-up   | ✗ |
Coastal Grassland   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Contour Fort   | ✓ |
Partial Contour Fort   | ✗ |
Promontory Fort   | ✗ |
Hillslope Fort   | ✗ |
Level Terrain Fort   | ✗ |
Marsh Fort   | ✗ |
Multiple Enclosure Fort   | ✗ |
Hilltop   | ✗ |
Coastal Promontory   | ✗ |
Inland Promontory   | ✗ |
Valley Bottom   | ✗ |
Knoll/Hillock/Outcrop   | ✗ |
Ridge   | ✗ |
Cliff/Plateau-edge/Scarp   | ✗ |
Hillslope   | ✗ |
Lowland   | ✗ |
Spur   | ✓ |
Dominant Topographic Feature:  None
North   | ✗ |
Northeast   | ✗ |
East   | ✗ |
Southeast   | ✗ |
South   | ✗ |
Southwest   | ✗ |
West   | ✗ |
Northwest   | ✗ |
Level   | ✓ |
Altitude:  256.0m
In the absence of excavation, there are neither stratified artefacts nor radiocarbon dates to provide a chronology for the defences.
Reliability:  D - None
Pre 1200BC   | ✗ |
1200BC - 800BC   | ✗ |
800BC - 400BC   | ✗ |
400BC - AD50   | ✗ |
AD50 - AD400   | ✗ |
AD400 - AD 800   | ✗ |
Post AD800   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✓ |
Pre Hillfort:   | None |
Post Hillfort:   | Partly ploughed down |
Photographed by RCAHMS Aerial Survey Programme in 1989
1st Identified Map Depiction (1858):   | Annotated Fort on the 1st edition OS 25-inch map (Roxburgh 1863, sheet 25.1) |
Earthwork Survey (1948):   | Plan and description (RCAHMS 1956, 391, no.860, fig 497; RCAHMS RXD 185/1-2) |
Other (1965):   | Resurveyed at 1:2500 by the OS |
Apparently ploughed and featureless apart from a rocky axial spine on its SE side
None   | ✓ |
Spring   | ✗ |
Stream   | ✗ |
Pool   | ✗ |
Flush   | ✗ |
Well   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Features   | ✓ |
Round Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Rectangular Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Curvilinear Platforms   | ✗ |
Other Roundhouse Evidence   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Geophysics   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Finds   | ✓ |
Pottery   | ✗ |
Metal   | ✗ |
Metalworking   | ✗ |
Human Bones   | ✗ |
Animal Bones   | ✗ |
Lithics   | ✗ |
Environmental   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
APs Not Checked   | ✗ |
None   | ✓ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
See main summary
1:   | None |
2:   | None |
Guard Chambers:  ✗
Chevaux de Frise:  ✗
1. Simple Gap (South west):   | None |
At least one rampart and ditch, but oblique aerial photographs reveal traces of a ploughed-down outer circuit
Area 1:   | 0.16ha. |
Total:   | 0.16ha. |
Total Footprint Area:  Noneha.
✗   | While sequence cannot be demonstrated here without excavation, it is likely that the heavily reduced outer ditch belongs to an earlier fort, and the strictly rectangular arrangement of the inner enclosure is a later adaptation of the defences to create a rectilinear settlement enclosure. |
✗   | None |
NE Quadrant:   | 2 |
SE Quadrant:   | 1 |
SW Quadrant:   | 2 |
NW Quadrant:   | 1 |
Total:   | 2 |
Partial Univallate   | ✓ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✓ |
Bivallate   | ✗ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✗ |
Partial Univallate   | ✗ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✗ |
Bivallate   | ✗ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✓ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Rubble   | ✗ |
Wall-walk   | ✗ |
Evidence of Timber   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✓ |
Unfinished   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✗ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Murus Duplex   | ✗ |
Timber-framed   | ✗ |
Timber-laced   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✗ |
Unfinished   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Other   | ✗ |
✗   | None |
✓   | Probably representing separate phases of enclosure |
Number of Ditches:  2
✗   | None |
RCAHMS (1956) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. An inventory of the ancient and historical monuments of Roxburghshire: with the fourteenth report of the Commission, 2v. HMSO: Edinburgh
Atlas of Hillforts:
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and should be cited as:
Lock, Gary and Ralston, Ian. 2024. Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland. Available at:
Document Version 1.1