HER:  Scottish Borders 51243 (None)
NMR:  NT 23 NE 15 (51243)
SM:  2963
NGR:  NT 2594 3720
X:  325940  Y:  637200  (OSGB36)
This fort occupies the summit of a steep-sided spur on the N of Newby Kipps, from which it is separated by a shallow saddle. Oval on plan, its defences comprise inner and outer enclosures, the inner measuring internally 52m from NNE to SSW by 30m transversely (0.12ha) and containing three circular house-platforms, and the outer 80m by 56m (0.34ha). The ramparts of both circuits are largely reduced to stony scarps, and their are entrance through both on the NNE and S respectively. While RCAHMS investigators in 1961 considered the ramparts too slight to be classified as those of a fort, both have almost certainly been severely reduced by robbing and afforestation in the 19th century. Indeed the siting is not only spectacularly defensive, with steep slopes falling away into deep valleys around three sides, but the ramparts themselves are comparable to the remains of several other enclosures in the area that they did include in the category of fort.
Citizen Science:  ✗
Reliability of Data:  Confirmed
Reliability of Interpretation:  Confirmed
X:  -353730  Y:  7483681  (EPSG: 3857)
Longitude:  -3.177614258556905  Latitude:  55.622757117215585  (EPSG:4326)
Country:  Scotland
Current County or Unitary Authority:  Scottish Borders
Historic County:  Peeblesshire
Current Parish/Community/Council/Townland:  Peebles
Extant   | ✓ |
Cropmark   | ✗ |
Likely Destroyed   | ✗ |
Previously planted with trees in the 19th century
Woodland   | ✗ |
Commercial Forestry Plantation   | ✗ |
Parkland   | ✗ |
Pasture (Grazing)   | ✓ |
Arable   | ✗ |
Scrub/Bracken   | ✗ |
Bare Outcrop   | ✗ |
Heather/Moorland   | ✓ |
Heath   | ✗ |
Built-up   | ✗ |
Coastal Grassland   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Contour Fort   | ✓ |
Partial Contour Fort   | ✗ |
Promontory Fort   | ✗ |
Hillslope Fort   | ✗ |
Level Terrain Fort   | ✗ |
Marsh Fort   | ✗ |
Multiple Enclosure Fort   | ✓ |
Hilltop   | ✓ |
Coastal Promontory   | ✗ |
Inland Promontory   | ✗ |
Valley Bottom   | ✗ |
Knoll/Hillock/Outcrop   | ✗ |
Ridge   | ✗ |
Cliff/Plateau-edge/Scarp   | ✗ |
Hillslope   | ✗ |
Lowland   | ✗ |
Spur   | ✓ |
Dominant Topographic Feature:  None
North   | ✗ |
Northeast   | ✗ |
East   | ✗ |
Southeast   | ✗ |
South   | ✗ |
Southwest   | ✗ |
West   | ✗ |
Northwest   | ✗ |
Level   | ✓ |
Altitude:  367.0m
In the absence of excavation, there are neither stratified artefacts nor radiocarbon dates to provide a chronology for the defences.
Reliability:  D - None
Pre 1200BC   | ✗ |
1200BC - 800BC   | ✗ |
800BC - 400BC   | ✗ |
400BC - AD50   | ✗ |
AD50 - AD400   | ✗ |
AD400 - AD 800   | ✗ |
Post AD800   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✓ |
Pre Hillfort:   | None |
Post Hillfort:   | Planted with trees in the 19th century |
Photographed by RCAHMS Aerial Survey Programme in 1982, 1986 and 2010
1st Identified Written Reference (1955):   | Identified during the RCAHMS Survey of Marginal Lands (1951-55) |
Earthwork Survey (1961):   | Plan and description (RCAHMS 1967, 92-3, no.236, fig 54; PBD 70/1-2) |
1st Identified Map Depiction (1965):   | OS 6-inch map |
Other (1970):   | Scheduled |
Other (1971):   | Surveyed at 1:2500 by the OS |
Three circular house-platforms within the inner enclosure
None   | ✓ |
Spring   | ✗ |
Stream   | ✗ |
Pool   | ✗ |
Flush   | ✗ |
Well   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Features   | ✗ |
Round Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Rectangular Stone Structures   | ✗ |
Curvilinear Platforms   | ✓ |
Other Roundhouse Evidence   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Geophysics   | ✓ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✗ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Quarry Hollows   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
Nothing Found   | ✗ |
No Known Finds   | ✓ |
Pottery   | ✗ |
Metal   | ✗ |
Metalworking   | ✗ |
Human Bones   | ✗ |
Animal Bones   | ✗ |
Lithics   | ✗ |
Environmental   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
APs Not Checked   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Roundhouses   | ✓ |
Rectangular Structures   | ✗ |
Pits   | ✗ |
Postholes   | ✗ |
Roads/Tracks   | ✗ |
Other   | ✗ |
See main summary
2:   | None |
2:   | None |
Guard Chambers:  ✗
Chevaux de Frise:  ✗
1. Simple Gap (North):   | Through both ramparts |
2. Simple Gap (South):   | Through both ramparts |
Two wide-spaced ramparts
Area 1:   | 0.12ha. |
Area 2:   | 0.34ha. |
Total:   | 0.34ha. |
Total Footprint Area:  0.4ha.
✗   | None |
✓   | None |
NE Quadrant:   | 2 |
SE Quadrant:   | 2 |
SW Quadrant:   | 2 |
NW Quadrant:   | 2 |
Total:   | 2 |
Partial Univallate   | ✗ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✗ |
Bivallate   | ✓ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
Unknown   | ✗ |
Partial Univallate   | ✗ |
Univallate   | ✗ |
Partial Bivallate   | ✗ |
Bivallate   | ✗ |
Partial Multivallate   | ✗ |
Multivallate   | ✗ |
The OS in 1974 suggested there was evidence that the outer rampart was unfinished, but the unelaborated evidence of gang-work John Palmer claimed on the S and E is more likely to reflect patterns of robbing and disturbance
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✗ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Rubble   | ✓ |
Wall-walk   | ✗ |
Evidence of Timber   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✗ |
Unfinished   | ✓ |
Other   | ✗ |
None   | ✗ |
Earthen Bank   | ✗ |
Stone Wall   | ✗ |
Murus Duplex   | ✗ |
Timber-framed   | ✗ |
Timber-laced   | ✗ |
Vitrification   | ✗ |
Other Burning   | ✗ |
Palisade   | ✗ |
Counter Scarp Bank   | ✗ |
Berm   | ✗ |
Unfinished   | ✗ |
No Known Excavation   | ✓ |
Other   | ✗ |
✗   | None |
✗   | None |
Number of Ditches:  None
✗   | None |
RCAHMS (1967) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Peeblesshire: an inventory of the ancient monuments, 2v. HMSO: Edinburgh
Atlas of Hillforts:
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 and should be cited as:
Lock, Gary and Ralston, Ian. 2024. Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland. Available at: https://hillforts.arch.ox.ac.uk
Document Version 1.1